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Agriculture Victoria

Incident Manager Workshop

Develop and deliver an Incident Manager training workshop and functional Exercise


Department of Primary Industries & Regional Development

Development of Emergency Management Strategy

Develop an 'all-hazards' Emergency Management Strategy for the support emergency preparedness, response and recovery governance, planning and capability development.


Animal Health Australia

Planning Guidelines

Develop functional planning guidelines for the National Biosecurity Response Team in consultation with key Team members.


Tocal College

Training and Assessment Content Design

Design, review and pilot multiple training and assessment incident management modules as part of a larger program to standardise biosecurity emergency response training across Australia.


Box Hill Institute

Training Design and Delivery

Develop and deliver an undergraduate subject in biosecurity regulation for third year students in the Bachelor of Biosecurity Science degree program.

Provide subject matter expert input into biosecurity content for new Diploma course.


Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development

First Point of Entry Project

Support the Department to work with international seaport and airport operators in Australian External Territories to achieve compliance with the 'First Point of Entry' requirements of the Biosecurity Act 2015 (C'wealth) to receive, transport, store and dispose of biosecurity waste.


Primary Industries and Regions SA

Exercise Evaluation

Support the delivery of a biosecurity emergency exercise undertaken by the South Australian Government by undertaking an evaluation of the Control Centre functions and make recommendations on the lessons learnt.

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Multiple Clients

Delivery and Assessment of BERTA Modules

Contextualisation, delivery and assessment of Certificate III, Certificate IV and Diploma level modules for Public Safety (Biosecurity Emergency Response) AQF qualifications and Units of Competency

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